Life as we know it...

Life as we know it...
The Little Things

Monday, July 29, 2013

You are Worth it

This post is for every girl and boy out there who thinks they're not good enough. For anyone who thinks they're not strong enough. To all people that feel inadequate in any way. I'm here to tell you today that you are worth it. Everyone has infinite worth. I don't care what color your hair is, how tall you are, or what pant size you are... You are worth it.
It may be hard to believe sometimes that we are enough. We aren't perfect. No one is. The media gives us messages that tell us to be better, skinnier, softer, prettier, but I want everyone who reads this to know that what they say doesn't matter. Your physical appearance is the farthest thing from your worth. No matter how bad you think you are. No matter how many times people tell you that you're not good enough, you are worth it.
I used to feel like I would never amount to anything. While growing up, I believed that I was the reason for everyone's unhappiness. If anyone was mad or sad, it was my fault. I thought that I was worthless, and that I didn't belong here. I couldn't understand how someone like me could ever be loved. I later learned that no matter what you've done in the past, and no matter how bad you feel about yourself, there is always someone out there that loves you. You are worth it.

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